Sunset at Point No Point

Sunset at Point No Point
Sunset at Point No Point

Monday, February 16, 2015

Verse a Day ~ 4 & 5

     Now that i've gotten behind on my posting a Verse a Day, i will post 2 today. 
In thinking about the recent celebration of Valentine's Day, i am reminded of God's never-ending love for us and His requirement for us to love one another.

In this is love,
not that we loved God,
but that He  loved us and sent His Son
to be the propitiation for our sins.
I John 4:10  (NASB)

Beloved, let us love one another,
for love is of God
and everyone who loves is
born of God
and knows God.
I John 4:7  (NASB)

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Verse a Day ~ 3

     The next in the series ~ A Verse a Day ~ is Philippians 4:8.

Finally, brethren,
whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is of good repute,
if there is any excellence
and if anything worthy of praise,
let your mind dwell on these things.

      Sometimes it seems as if there is so little out there that is true, honorable, pure, lovely, etc.  If one watches the daily news ~ which i don't anymore, listen to the news on the radio ~ i do that sometimes, or catch the headlines on Yahoo! or some online source it would appear that the world is going to hell in a handbasket.  And very quickly, at that!  Wars and rumors of wars (Matthew 24:6), terrorism, shootings of innocent people, and the list can go on and on.  As my mother used to say "man's inhumanity to man".  
     Isn't it to wonderful to know that there is beauty, truth, honor, purity, love and excellence abounding in the world, too?  When i look around at the beauty of God's creation that surrounds me, hear a grandchild laugh,

read wise words from honorable people i am encouraged.  There are beautiful, wonderful things in our world placed there by a loving Heavenly Father.  i think it can be a wise move to turn off the news, don't read the headlines and focus on the loveliness that He has given us.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Verse a Day ~ 2

i almost forgot to post a verse today!  Another favorite verse of mine is Jeremiah 29:11:

For I know the plans that I have for you,
declares the Lord,
plans for welfare and not for calamity
to give you a future and a hope.

      This verse is so comforting to me.  It reminds me that i don't have to worry about the future ~ God has already done all of the planning for me.  His plans are always good even if i can't see it at the moment.  

     The main way that i have for understanding God and His ways is as a parent.  i have raised 4 children, each of them very different from the others and i have learned many things through the process.  One size does not fit all!  Each human being is  unique.    God treats each of us differently.  He does not give each person the same trials or the same blessings.  In raising my children, sometimes i had to be stern or strict with them to teach them valuable lessons.  It did not mean that i did not love them; quite the contrary.  It showed that i loved them immensely!  If i didn't love them i wouldn't have cared what they did or what happened to them, but since i did care so much i did everything i could to teach them to be honest and respectful, gentle and kind, responsible and productive, etc.  Sometimes, though, the lessons were hard and there were tears and maybe loss.  Sometimes, the child had to be disciplined in ways that were extremely unpleasant to them.  They might even say or think that i didn't love them, but as they matured they could see the reason behind  my actions.

     i think God works in much the same way.  He delights in giving us the things that make us happy but sometimes He knows that certain things would not be good for us so He says, No.  At other times, He knows that now is not the right time so he says, Wait.  He may need to discipline us in ways that we find harsh and in our confused, childish mind, we may become angry with Him, but He always operates from a heart of love.  

     His plans are always for our welfare, even when we can't see it.  Just like the wise parent who can see down the road that the child's bad behavior will lead them to heartache someday and so will train and discipline them, God lovingly guides us along through the joys and difficulties of our lives. 

     In Him we have a future and a hope.  To me this is where faith comes in.  If we could always see the way ahead, or know the reason for things, we would not need faith.  Faith is trusting that His plan is loving and that in Him we do have a future and a hope.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Verse a Day

i was reading a blog that i really enjoy and the blogger mentioned that she was posting a favorite verse a day for 7 days.  i guess it was a challenge on Facebook or somewhere?  i think i will join her.
    One of my all time favorite verses has always been Romans 8:28 ~

     And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those    who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.  (NASB)  

      My live has had it's difficult moments ~ more than some, less than others ~ and this verse has always been a comfort to me.  On the difficult days, the frightening days, the confusing days i know that i know that i know that He is working in my life to bring about His perfect will.  
i was raised in a church-going home but even though i was very spiritual-minded i didn't really "get" who God was and how i could relate to Him.  i saw Him as a stern grandfather-type sitting up in heaven watching me, waiting for me to mess up so He could say, "Ah Ha!  I knew you couldn't be good!" 

 After leaving the church of my childhood i sort of wandered about church-less but not without faith even if it was very weak and confused at times.  As i struggled with who am i, who is God and what it's all about, He was at work in my heart drawing me ever closer to Him.  In about 1972 or 3 i completely surrendered my heart and life to Him.  i won't say it's always been easy; He didn't take away all of the troubles, trials and temptations that plagued me but i knew that He was always there and would take care of me no matter what.
 As my children and i went through dark and fearsome days i wondered just how was He going to take care of us.  Often it wasn't in the way we wanted really but we were cared for, of that i have no doubt.  Many, many times i have seen good come out of those trials and even though i would not choose to live them again i can truthfully say i am glad that i lived them. 
The past couple of years have brought a new set of trials and testings but i am here to say that He is always, ALWAYS there.  i expect to see good coming out of these new difficulties but even if i don't see them, i know they will be there because His word is true, always.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my Window... it is cloudy and cool with the promise of the rain soon.  My favorite kind of day.  (i haven't changed this for the past 3 or 4 postings!  :-)

I am thinking...of changes that may be/will be happening in my life in the next few weeks.  Perhaps there will be an end of the uncertainty of the past months.

From the learning be a whole person able to speak my mind (kindly, i hope) on matters that concern me; be do those things that cause me to feel contented and happy - alone.

I am thankful little house.  It brings me joy every day.  It is nothing fancy or elegant but it suits me. i love to look out the front and see trees, a small pond, sometimes ducks or a heron on the pond, and looking out the back i see my daughters house and sometimes the kids kicking the soccer ball in the backyard but even if not, i know they're in there doing their thing.

From the kitchen...once again, the kitchen is not a beehive of activity as it is in my daughters and others homes.  i did wash up all the dirty dishes from the weekend when i wasn't feeling well and fixed myself a lunch of tea, homemade bread and cheese.
I am wearing...denim jumper, black turtleneck and brown slippers.

I am reading...Arrrrggghhh, i am purposing to finish Moby Dick!  i started it a couple of years ago and am nearly halfway through.  i won't allow myself to read anything else (besides my Bible and devotional books) until i finish it. (Yes, once again, this is my plan.  It has been tough going but i am determined!!!)

I am spend most of this week at home working on finishing the decorating.

I am creating... a knitted sleeveless long vest.  i found the pattern on Pinterest when i was looking for something new to make.  It is simple and hopefully won't take too long.
I am hearing...nothing really.  The hum of my computer is about all.
Around the house...i am continuing to declutter.

One of my favorite things...a really big mug of tea.  i don't drink it quickly so it is generally around until it gets cold but i drink it anyway.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...the same regular activities are on the calendar ~ Bible study on Wednesday morning, TOPS Thursday morning and support group Thursday evening.  Patrick is out of town so on Tuesday evening Tammie has invited a young mother whose husband is also away on business to come for supper with her 2 little girls and i will join them.  It should prove to be a fun evening.  We did not go to the Seattle Art Museum last week due to sick kids so we'll try again next month.  (They have a free day every month.)  Next Sunday there will be an elders lunch at the home of one of the elders after church.  Patrick being an elder means their whole family goes and i tag along.  

i am praying... for a good friend of my sons who has some health concerns.

i am hoping... to get a long shelf and some pictures hung up today or tomorrow.

A favorite encouraging thought:

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my Window... it is cloudy and cool with the promise of the rain soon.  My favorite kind of day.

I am thinking...of how my life has changed and continues to change ~ for the better, i think.

From the learning rooms...i am learning that i can order my life around those things which please me.  i don't need someone else's permission or approval to live my own life.

I am thankful for...good health and the ability to do things.  Many people my age have many health problems but i have been blessed with good genes, i guess.

From the kitchen...yesterday i painted 3 bar stools and a large wooden shelf on top of the kitchen counter ~ i just took them down a few minutes ago.  i made tea and lunch.  Tomorrow i plan on making a favorite dish for my daughter and her family.
I am wearing...faded blue jeans, a white turtleneck, navy blue pullover sweater and brown slippers.

I am reading...Arrrrggghhh, i am purposing to finish Moby Dick!  i started it a couple of years ago and am nearly halfway through.  i won't allow myself to read anything else (besides my Bible and devotional books) until i finish it.

I am hoping....for an end to an ongoing situation.  Lord willing, within a month or so i will be in a better, more settled place.

I am creating... and trying to finish decorating my house.  i have lived in it for over a year and there are still some very blank walls, piles of framed photos on the floor, furniture that i want to paint, etc, etc.  i have realized that just giving mental assent to these tasks doesn't get them done!

I am parakeet talking to himself in the next room.

Around the feels cluttery.  There is too much stuff.  i am wanting to get rid of a bunch of it but seem stuck for the moment.

One of my favorite things...quiet days.  Days when i don't have to go anywhere, there is no pressing business and i can just BE!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week... Well, let's see...tomorrow (Wednesday) morning is my Bible study.  We are studying a new work by Beth Moore titled Children of the Day based on 1 and 2 Thessalonians.  Tomorrow evening i am planning on making supper for my daughter's family, Thursday we are all going to SAM (Seattle Art Museum), then i have a support group meeting in the evening.  Friday, i may spend the afternoon with the father of a good friend.  His health is not good and even though he is doing some better he enjoys the bit of company i bring.  Sometimes we run his errands, sometimes we go on a local road trip or stay home and cook something.  He just celebrated his 83rd birthday and is a joy to be around. That evening my daughter is having friends over for dinner so i will join them.  Then i think i am entertaining the friends 2 little girls so the grown-ups can have some time. Saturday, i think, is a "free" day with no outside obligations. Saturday evening i usually Skype with my son in China and get to see my newest grandson!  
Speaking of him ~ Rowan ~ i'll share a couple of recent pictures. He just turned 6 months old the first of February!