Outside my Window...the sky is blue, the sun is shining, there is a slight breeze coming in the window to my left. A perfect Pacific Northwest summer day!
I am thinking...of how a very large chapter of my life is ending. It has been in the process of ending for nearly 2 years now and in less than a month i think it will finally be over. Even though i took steps to bring this end about, it is not one that i wanted or ever expected to experience. But i know that God knows and that brings much comfort.
From the learning rooms...i am learning that i can do many things that i have never done before. One of those things is to clear our around the base of some trees in my yard. It doesn't sound like much but it took me about 15 hours to do it and brought about several piles of underbrush ~ branches, old blackberry vines, trash and some cut stove wood. i also have 2 arms scratched from blackberry vines but i am very pleased with the outcome.
I am thankful for...my family's safe homecoming after a month of travel.
From the kitchen...again, not much is happening in the kitchen. i have been kind of snacking today; too tired from yard work to make a proper meal.
I am wearing...denim skirt, peach-colored top, barefoot.
I am reading...i am still working through Les Miserables. i am currently on page 469 which means i am almost 1/3 of the way through. i took a break a while ago and read a murder mystery by Ted Dekker and i am currently taking another break from it and reading a delightful book that my daughter brought home from her travels (thanks to my brother for sending it). It is called The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. i have only just begun but so far it is a wonderful read and i heartily recommend it.
I am hoping....to find a single bed with trundle to set up in the guest room for company. (Still looking!)
I am creating... things for Rowan's birthday. So far i have made 2 pair of shorts, a little stuffed animal (i think it's a bunny) and i am going to start making a quiet book this evening.
Around the house...i am thinking of some upcoming projects to be started next month. In bringing an end to a very long chapter in my life several things will be leaving my house and i am thinking of how to rearrange things in their absence.
One of my favorite things...the quiet. i love a quiet house and a quiet life. "...and make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and to attend to your own business and work with your hands..." I Thessalonians 4:11
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...tomorrow being Saturday means i will be selling soap at the local Farmer's Market. Since my daughter is home she will be going with me. Yay! Then Sunday is Sunday School and church. VBS starts on Monday but i'm not sure if i am going to be involved this year.
i am praying... for a deeper walk with the Lord. The current events of the past few months have been very upsetting but i know He is in control and will take care of everything.
i am hoping... for the next few weeks to pass quickly!