After having quite a time with our moving company, (i do not recommend All State Relocation Services!) the truck finally arrived at our home on Sunday, January 13th at 3pm. The loading of the semi took until nearly midnight and at the end there were almost a couple of boxes left out. A big thank you to our moving men who actually put 2 boxes in their sleeper to fit everything in. We said good-bye to our Kansas home

Up and at'em fairly early and after saying good-bye to a grandson, granddaughter and daughter we left for Colorado and spent Monday night with my sister and her family south of Denver. We slept in and ate lunch with them at a terrific Japanese hibachi restaurant then headed north into Nebraska.
Arriving in far-western Nebraska, we dropped in on my mother-in-law who lives in an Alzheimer's unit of a nursing home, then went to my sister-in-laws where we would spend the night. She gave us the use of her car to drive around town and visit my second daughter and her family with whom we had supper at Perkins that night. We spent a lovely evening with them before we had to leave to get a good nights sleep before heading out early the next morning.
Dark and early Wednesday morning, we tiptoed out of the house before our hosts were awake and headed northwest traveling through Wyoming into Utah and then up into Idaho. We spent that night in Burley, Idaho and had a good supper before relaxing in our motel room.
Thursday morning found us eating a good breakfast at the motel before once more climbing into the truck to head off once again. Traveling through Idaho, then into Oregon we saw such beautiful country! Driving along the Columbia River in Oregon was one of the most breath-taking sites i have ever seen. Just spectacular!!! i didn't get any pictures, so you'll just have to take my word for it! :-) We arrived in Portland, Oregon about 5pm; crossed the river into Washington and spent that night in Olympia. We were only about 3 hours from our destination but being tired out and it being nearly dark we decided to rest and finish the trip the next day.
Friday we were up and out fairly early traveling the last leg of our journey. We stopped fairly close to the end to wash the little car and the truck as they were both filthy from 4 days on the road. Then we detached the little car from the pick-up and i drove it the rest of the way.
Arriving at our daughter's house about 2pm, Friday, Jan.18th, we were greeted by many screams of joy and hugs! It was so, so, so good to be out of the vehicles for a while after spending the better part of 5 days in them. The pick-up and car were filled with such things that we would need until our belongings arrived and things that could not be put on the moving truck.
The following Wednesday, Jan. 23rd all of our worldly goods arrived by way of the moving truck. We were so glad to see that truck!!! Our 2 strong-as-an-ox moving men unloaded the semi with the able assistance of 2 of our grandsons. It was cold and rainy but they had good spirits as they stuffed everything into the storage unit we had rented. The unit is full to the brim!!! i had expected to be able to access some of the things in there but that will not be the case for a while. All of the boxes are at the back behind furniture, garage plunder and miscellaneous stuff. i will take a picture of the inside of the storage unit soon.
We have now been here for 2 full weeks and are settling in pretty well, i think. Since this post is already very lengthy i will post later on our current and future living arrangements.
God's richest blessings on you!
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