Sunset at Point No Point

Sunset at Point No Point
Sunset at Point No Point

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A Verse a Day

i was reading a blog that i really enjoy and the blogger mentioned that she was posting a favorite verse a day for 7 days.  i guess it was a challenge on Facebook or somewhere?  i think i will join her.
    One of my all time favorite verses has always been Romans 8:28 ~

     And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those    who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.  (NASB)  

      My live has had it's difficult moments ~ more than some, less than others ~ and this verse has always been a comfort to me.  On the difficult days, the frightening days, the confusing days i know that i know that i know that He is working in my life to bring about His perfect will.  
i was raised in a church-going home but even though i was very spiritual-minded i didn't really "get" who God was and how i could relate to Him.  i saw Him as a stern grandfather-type sitting up in heaven watching me, waiting for me to mess up so He could say, "Ah Ha!  I knew you couldn't be good!" 

 After leaving the church of my childhood i sort of wandered about church-less but not without faith even if it was very weak and confused at times.  As i struggled with who am i, who is God and what it's all about, He was at work in my heart drawing me ever closer to Him.  In about 1972 or 3 i completely surrendered my heart and life to Him.  i won't say it's always been easy; He didn't take away all of the troubles, trials and temptations that plagued me but i knew that He was always there and would take care of me no matter what.
 As my children and i went through dark and fearsome days i wondered just how was He going to take care of us.  Often it wasn't in the way we wanted really but we were cared for, of that i have no doubt.  Many, many times i have seen good come out of those trials and even though i would not choose to live them again i can truthfully say i am glad that i lived them. 
The past couple of years have brought a new set of trials and testings but i am here to say that He is always, ALWAYS there.  i expect to see good coming out of these new difficulties but even if i don't see them, i know they will be there because His word is true, always.

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