Sunset at Point No Point

Sunset at Point No Point
Sunset at Point No Point

Thursday, December 3, 2015

My Advent Tea

       It's been a while since i last posted and i had thought of abandoning the blog altogether but i really don't want to, entirely.  i came across a very sweet blog a little while ago called By Sun and Candlelight and she spoke of making a weekly Advent Tea post.  i was intrigued and looked at her blog to see how it is done.  The idea is to write a sort of journal entry about how i am celebrating Advent.
       When i was a small child it seemed that Advent was a bigger deal than it is now.  For many years it didn't seem to be the "thing to do" to observe the church liturgical year in my circle of family, friends and acquaintances.  Lately, however i have begun to look at things a bit differently and to see value in some of the old ways.  Observing days and seasons helps me to see the years continuing in a stream moving forward from years immemorial to the unknown future.  There is a continuity to the observances and i guess as i get older, that becomes more important.  i like the idea and so here is my first "Advent Tea" post

 What Refreshments Am I Enjoying This Week
       Just now i made myself a large mug of Holiday Tea by Harney and Sons a favorite at this time of year.  i don't have any special holiday goodies on hand yet and i had intended to make some truly delicious Gluten-Free Double Chocolate Cookies today, but i didn't get it done.  Lord willing, tomorrow.

What Am I Reading This Week

       Well, that is rather a big question as there are usually several books opened around here.  i am working on finishing Les Miserables.   i started it by way of a challenge with DD#1.  i came home from my sons house last year after having seen the movie musical version of Les Mis.  i loved it!  i wanted my DD and her family to watch it with me right away.  (Of course, as soon as i got home i had to buy my own copy.)  She was a bit hesitant since she had read the book years ago and was certain that the movie would not be nearly as good.  So i begged and pleaded and she finally agreed to watch the movie with me if i would read the book.  So, here i am; i've read a bit past halfway of the 1400 pages.  i am purposing to finish it this month as that will be just about a year after i started it.  For my devotional and seasonal reading i have Jesus Calling and Living The Christian Year in keeping with my desire to dig into the liturgical year a bit more.  i also do some devotional reading and writing in the Divina Lectio which i first saw on Ann Voskamp's site.

What Am I Listening To This Week

       i have not gotten out the Christmas music yet and so the one thing i am listening to is the audio version of Written In My Own Heart's Blood by Diana Gabaldon.  It is the most recent book in her Outlander series; one of my very favorites!

What Am I Working On This Week

           Tonight i will be putting the finishing touches on a little red sweater that i am knitting for my youngest grandson.  When his father was his age i knit a sweater for him using the same pattern.  i had saved the pattern all these years just because i liked it and now i get to make it for my son's son.  How special!  i got a wonderful surprise the other day.  My son ~ who has lived in China the past 8 years ~ will be bringing his wife and son home for Christmas!  They had thought they couldn't afford it but he found a really super deal and so they will be here in a couple of weeks.  He hasn't been home for Christmas for 5 years and she and the little guy have never had an American Christmas.  i am over the moon with excitement!

What  Is Happening In Nature

       Living in the beautiful PNW is definitely a gift.  i love it here.  Today it has been raining ~ not unusual ~ and fairly windy ~ also not unusual for this time of year.  The problem is that when it is windy here, we often lose power for the trees and/or their branches fall on power lines, or cars, or houses or ???  Two Tuesdays in a row we lost power due to rain and wind but so far today the power has stayed on.  Yay!  

Words To Inspire

       This is a passage of Scripture that i read this morning in my Advent reading.  It is very meaningful to me ~
Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit.  And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.  And He will delight in the fear of the Lord, and He will not judge by what His eyes see, nor make a decision by what His ears here; but with righteousness He will judge the poor, and decide with fairness for the afflicted of the earth...also righteousness will be the belt about His loins, and faithfulness the belt about His waist.  And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little boy will lead them.  Also the cow and the bear will graze; their young will lie down together; and the lion will eat straw like the ox.  And the nursing child will play by the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child will put his hand on the viper's den.  They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain, for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.  Isaiah 11:1-9

     As we read the horrific headlines everyday, i long for the world described in the words above.  Maranatha!  



  1. Life sometimes gets in the way of blogging, but I think it's good to at least keep it a journal of sorts.

    Thank you for your very sweet comment, my friend.


  2. Viêm âm đạo là một trong những căn bệnh phụ khoa gặp phổ biến nhất ở nữ giới. Nó không những gây ra những rắc rối trong sinh hoạt vợ chồng mà còn trong sinh hoạt cuộc sống và sức khỏe. Viêm âm đạo không điều trị sớm còn khiến vi khuẩn xâm nhập sâu vào bên trong. Do đó, các bất thường như Khí hư ra nhiều có mùi hôi, ngứa âm đạo… thì hãy đi đến các cơ sở y tế chuyên khoa để thăm khám phụ khoa và điều trị ngay.
